Incredible Local Brewery, Caboose, Joins Us for a Live Virtual Tasting! Fri, Dec 02, 22 Caboose Brewing Co first began brewing beer in Northern Virginia in _____. With a fleet of talented brewers, they bring us delicious lagers, pilsners, IPAs and more. Each season they continue to impress us with the artistry of each of their beers, not to mention the colorful packaging that makes you feel refreshed even before the first sip. To say we love carrying their products, is an understatement! Caboose epitomizes the small businesses we like to partner with because they live and breathe their values. They build their systems to contribute to environmental and social practices, they source high quality ingredients and implement green practices to help sustain the communities they’re a part of. The brew their beers to be shared with friends and seek to inspire shared experiences and valued relationships. The empowering atmosphere they create in their brewery is apparent in the products they create and the partnerships they hold. Because of all these reasons and because we absolutely LOVE every product they create, we are thrilled to host a live virtual tasting with Caboose to kick off Labor Day weekend celebrations and your typical fall brewfests! The full line-up we’re bringing in from Caboose, with head brewer Matt Furda, is coming soon! Join us on Thursday, Sept 3rd for this thirst-quenching lineup! RSVP here. Share this post Share on facebook Share on google Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on pinterest Share on print Share on email PrevPreviousPinot Noirs Around The World NextAdventurous American WinemakingNext Tags: beer caboose brewery drink local northern virginia small business vienna virginia virtual tasting